Maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there; maybe he is having a spate of Bad Luck, and this is how Bad Luck looks on the guy.

I have previously mentioned the Guy Who Stares At Women's Asses Too Long, and --  for  a quick recap --  here is his most distinguishing characteristic: He Stares At Women's Asses Too Long. I had said he was creepy, but did not seem particularly threatening. I'm not sure if I fully stand behind that statement anymore. While he doesn't have full Serial Killer Vibe, it seems like a mask is slipping, and that he doesn't really care if it is.

The Woman With The Smart Wardrobe caught him staring at her ass a few days ago, and told him to Fuck Off. As I have said before about her, she is not afraid to say such things. He has stared at her ass before, of course, but this time she responded. Maybe the effect had been cumulative; maybe she has had a change of patience about such things. Or maybe she has seen the mask slipping, too, and was firing a warning shot: she is perceptive, along with being a smart dresser. With a nice ass. Sorry, but true is true.

Many men live in a form of stasis for years, decades. They are who they are, and they are consistent, even if they only seem consistent in their inconsistency. Even these guys, you can at least tell where their inconsistency is going to go: some alcohol-related poor decision, most likely. It usually falls under "You know better than that," and they do, when they sober up: they have a sense of shame.

But the guys with the masks: when the mask slips, the ugly feelings show. Sure, we all have some ugly feelings: the Seven Deadly Vices probably cover them in some form or another. But for these guys, you can tell the shame is gone. They don't feel this is something they need to hide anymore. Maybe they are even angry at people for making them feel they had to hide themselves in the first place.

Which is the Serial Killer Vibe, pretty much.

The Woman With The Smart Wardrobe is not going to change how she dresses for anyone. If someone doesn't like it, well: Fuck Off. Usually it is other women who might make snide comments about her clothes. She probably chalks it up to jealousy, and she is probably right. She doesn't dress in an expensive manner, just with taste, and she cares for her clothes: they are clean, no wrinkles, no stains. It takes effort more than money, and some people blame the latter when they just don't possess the former. Most men appreciate her look, and I don't think she minds this at all.

Still, I feel a little wary now about the Guy Who Stares At Women's Asses Too Long. Maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there; maybe he is having a spate of Bad Luck, and this is how Bad Luck looks on the guy.

But if I was a woman I wouldn't get in a car alone with him, now.

- james james


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