Sometimes he listens to these conversations: sometimes he arches an eyebrow slightly, sometimes an almost imperceptible shake of the head.

There is a man who comes by the bar infrequently; mid-sixties, keeps to himself. I have spoken with him a few times, but he is not the talkative kind. Polite, short sentences, then back to reading his book.

He grew up in the Soviet Union, then came to America after the USSR dissolved back into being Russia. I would love to hear his stories, but, as I said, he doesn't talk much.

He listens, though, and it is very interesting to watch him listen. This is Seattle, and Seattle is Proudly Progressive: when people talk politics they often talk about how it really isn't Progressive enough. The Big Ideas are held back. By the Republicans, by Big Business, by the Usual Suspects with the Usual Reasons: Greed, and, well, greed, mostly.

Sometimes he listens to these conversations: sometimes he arches an eyebrow slightly, sometimes an almost imperceptible shake of the head. I don't know if such small gestures come from a man who is naturally quiet, or if growing up in the Soviet Union taught you to keep your feelings to yourself for fear of midnight visits. I have an opinion on this, but I freely admit my opinion is heavily weighed by what I would expect to be true.

So: sometimes he arches an eyebrow slightly, sometimes an almost imperceptible shake of the head. I think I have seen a small smile once or twice, but you would probably have to put a ruler against his mouth to see if the straight line was actually broken, or just a play of the light.

I once told him that I had read books on life in the Soviet Union  -- "The Whisperers". "The Forsaken," books like that. Yes, it was a clumsy way to try to start a conversation. I felt foolish at the time, and still feel foolish now. He nodded, politely said "You can put down a book," then he continued reading.

He was reading a Western Novel. 

Maybe the Old West is as far away as can be from a society like the Soviet Union. Then again, maybe the Old West is getting to be as far away as can be from a society like today's Seattle.

- james james


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