To let go would be to acknowledge the embarrassment of clinging to an embarrassing position like it Somehow Even Fucking Mattered.

It happens in politics, it happens in families, it happens in the workplace, so -- of course -- it happens at the bar: people who were once close turn on each other. And, like in all of those places, it makes the people close to them uncomfortable. Uncomfortable with easy access to an alcoholic beverage, yes, but still: uncomfortable.

Sometimes it is politics, sometimes a sense of betrayal. Sometimes a principle, sometimes unrequited love. Some causes seem rational, some seem silly, but that doesn't really matter. If the people involved are taking it that seriously, then the needle is in the red. And the needle stays in the red, because no mechanic wants to take on that shit.

A lot of people think that, somehow, the bartender can fix these things. Because bartenders are Magic. They turn your money into alcohol, which is always a good trick. But unless one of the Red Needle People is a lousy customer, then there is not much he or she can do: the bartender is paid to serve customers, not to be a psychiatrist, judge and referee. Or, for that matter, a real Magician, one who can pull a rabbit out of his hat. And then pull the solution out of the ass of that rabbit.

Usually the people in conflict will move to separate ends of the bar. Which calms things, somewhat. Except now, if you are to talk with one of the people, you are symbolically taking sides, because you are now literally at one side of the bar. 

So maybe you make a point later to walk over to the other side of the bar, talk with the person there. But this gets old, fast: making a Statement can be wearing on you, but trying to make a Statement about Not Making A Statement: well, fuck that. So you sit at the middle of the bar with everyone else, or at a table that is neutral, like Switzerland.

Sometimes the Red Needle People get over it, or at least let it fade: some feuds are just too embarrassing to last. But sometimes the most embarrassing ones are the ones that people will never let go of: to let go would be to acknowledge the embarrassment of clinging to an embarrassing position like it Somehow Even Fucking Mattered.

Of course, one of the people might just stop coming to the bar: they will live in Exile. Or at least go to the bar there. The Elba would make a good name for that bar. Then they all can talk about their side of the story that brought them there. Until one of them remarks that another person's reason is actually pretty silly, when you think about it. Uh oh. This is the point where someone should go to the jukebox and play Journey: The Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Turning. Maybe that'd work.

Because playing Journey in a bar should at least solve some things.

How about a joke?

Rodney King walks into a bar.

As Rodney approaches, the bartender asks him what'll it be.

"Can we all just get along?" Rodney King says.

The bartender replies: "I don't know how to make that one."

- james james


  1. Before the exile to Elba, play "
    "Any way you want it"..then return to Switzerland.


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