And maybe: Mars Needs College Girls.

There is a guy at the bar who swears he saw a UFO back in the Seventies. Fast darting movements, strange lights, hovering. I do not doubt he saw a UFO: a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, and I believe he saw a Flying Object he could not Identify. But he obviously means alien spaceship, so, for him, it is actually an Identified Flying Object: he has identified it.

It makes for good bar banter from time to time. Uranus jokes, alien anal probes; I was trying to think of something to add to that list but it is those two, mainly. Maybe cattle mutilation gets mentioned, but that is probably because I mention it.

On space aliens I am agnostic. Maybe they are there, maybe not. It doesn't play much of a role in my wonder of the universe. I'm still excited that we landed men on the moon. And disappointed that we pretty much stopped there.

But if a space alien arrived, he could do worse than visiting the bar to learn about human behavior. Pretty much all behaviors happen here at one time or another. And maybe: Mars Needs College Girls.

- james james


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