Tomorrow, some girls will be regretting their previous night's decisions, team decals still stuck on their face.

Looks like the UW is going to win the Apple Cup.

The street will no doubt be teeming with kids from the bars, kids coming out from the stadium, kids from the dorms, and police in black at the corners to make sure things don't get too out of hand: keep them moving, keep them moving.

Tomorrow, some boys will be nursing their first epic hangover.

Tomorrow, some girls will be regretting their previous night's decisions, team decals still stuck on their face.

Most of the kids will be fine. Because most kids usually are: they are learning to keep their balance. Some of them even still come from non-dysfunctional families.

Meanwhile the heroin kids are in the alleys, their street temporarily taken over. They are like the cat of the house hiding under the bed when the party guests arrive.

At the bar someone will certainly play Queen's "We Are The Champions." To which someone will jukebox-reply "Another One Bites The Dust." Then a lot of songs from the early 2000's will play, because those songs are these kids' nostalgia for good times. Many of those early 2000's songs will be rap, because They Are Still Keeping It Real.

And, yeah, someone will probably play "Free Bird" because: Big Game Win Fuck Yeah! Sometimes the kids need an epic guitar solo to express their soul, and because some kids always believe they are that Bird You Can Not Change.



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