The Coexist bumper sticker has symbols of all kinds, but no swastika: this is on purpose.

In Seattle everyone hates the Nazis.

Young, old -- even the pasty white cis-gender dudes -- they all hate the Nazis. Because they are Good People. And Good People hate Nazis. There are bumper stickers. So you know they are serious about this.

And they know where all of those Nazis are. The Nazis and the White Supremacists live just on the other side of the Cascades. Eastern Washington. Republicans, Nazis: they are all practically at the door.

Seattle will be vigilant. There is a church in the University District -- an old brick church where Seattle people no longer go to church -- that has a giant 'Black Lives Matter' banner hung above the front doors. Yes: vigilant. Nazis don't think black lives matter, obviously. There is a problem. It is capital 'R' and it rhymes with Racist. Well, actually, it is Racist. Nazis are Racist. Again: bumper stickers. The Coexist bumper sticker has symbols of all kinds, but no swastika: this is on purpose.

On the side of the church the heroin kids shoot up. The heroin kids hate the Nazis, too.

Seattle is on the same page, regarding Nazis. Seattle is Good People.



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