So, you know: a tape for the haters.

In a post yesterday I mentioned the band Loud Family. They had an album called "The Tape of Only Linda." This title is in reference... well, I'll let Wiki do the lifting: 

"a reference to the notorious tape recording of a live performance of "Hey Jude" by Paul McCartney in which an engineer had isolated Linda McCartney's vocals."

And the vocals are iffy: off-key, to begin.

So, you know: a tape for the haters.

On the internet some claim hoax, others swear to it. Meaning it is as real as you want it to be.

Except Paul McCartney basically indicates it is true:

"A BOOTLEG tape of the late Linda McCartney singing out of tune caused her so much hurt that Sir Paul McCartney has revealed that it was a prime reason for his latest project - a documentary on the history of his band Wings...

But in an interview to be published in Mojo magazine later this week, Sir Paul says that a major motivation for the whole exercise was to exorcise the humiliation of that tape and the criticism of Linda that resulted. He says of the CD/documentary: "The great thing is, it vindicates Linda. I know she wanted to do the Wingspan thing. She knew that if it was laid out correctly, people would get the idea. With all the slagging off she got, like the famous Knebworth tape.

"The truth is she was doing this (he stands and raises his hands above his head to clap). She was the big cheerleader. But you don't see the visual. You just hear this out-of-tune-voice, and I know she always wanted the record put straight. And this does."

So, to amend: it is as bad as you want it to be.

And McCartney is defending his wife's honor, the wife who died almost twenty years ago. The wife whose marijuana he claimed was his own when busted in Tokyo in 1980 and for which he subsequently spent nine days in jail. Allegedly. Not the Tokyo bust-and-jail part, but the true ownership of the drugs. Rumors, rumors. We have the Internet: back then you had to get your hands on clandestine cassettes of sketchy origin.

And we again are back to: meaning it is as real as you want it to be.

But McCartney's love for Linda: that seems as real as they wanted it to be.

Which probably pisses off the haters.

There are worse things.



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