So: if they were in college it might have been considered rape. Which is another reason why the bar is better than college.

Rumors went round the bar a few months ago about two of the regulars having hooked up for sex one night.

They are both in their fifties, and probably figured that their Perfect Other wasn't coming into the bar anytime soon. And they were probably drunk. So: if they were in college it might have been considered rape. Which is another reason why the bar is better than college.

Afterward, the guy told others that the woman's genital hygiene was atrocious. Yes: the rotting fish analogy was made.

I thought this was poor etiquette on the man's part. And his own hygiene is not stellar, at least from a sweaty, disheveled same-clothes-day-after-day manner. From this: I would not bet on him changing his underwear daily. And I certainly don't wish to view those underwear to confirm my suspicion. But I think they would. Confirm my suspicion, that is. So I don't believe that particular stone should have been cast.

When the rotting fish analogy was made the flamboyant young gay man at the bar said he could have told you that.

Asked how he would know, he said all women's vaginas smelled like that.

He does not like the vagina.

Not even for childbirth.



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