From regular conversation at the bar I know that several of the young women have had their pubic hair shaved.

From regular conversation at the bar I know that several of the young women have had their pubic hair shaved. Or waxed -- whichever. Hair: gone. Like a young girl, which is an uncomfortable comparison. Some have said they have stopped, and are now growing it back. They say it itches, the growing-back. Men who haven't shaved for awhile could have told them that.

They say bare was a thing, but it is not so much a thing anymore. So they are keeping me apprised of trends, which is nice.

I do not know if these girls have such conversations with people outside the bar. At the bar alcohol is involved, and the people you talk with at the bar usually don't intersect with the people you talk with elsewhere, so there is a peculiar form of anonymity happening. Anonymity with people you know, but who don't know the other people.

There is an aspect of purposeful titillation happening on the part of the women, I believe: perhaps they view the bar friends like surrogate gay men, where they can play up an aspect of themselves in a way that they don't feel judged. But these surrogate gay men are interested in their stories for a reason different than that of a gay man. And the women know this, too.

Or maybe they are posting updates about the status of their pubic hair on their social media. Which means you can pretty much ignore any point I was trying to make.



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